Are you satisfied with your exchange, and would you recommend others to do the same? I moved to Denmark in the end of August of 2021. I didn’t know what to expect. It was the first time I had been to the country, but after a year of pandemic I think it was an excellent place to be. The first place I lived at was in Lyngby, inside the campus. I was the first tenant and that was great, everything was brand new. In my first weekend here, I took the bus to Copenhagen center. It was a bit overwhelming to see so many people, after quarantining in Ås for so long, but after a couple of weeks normal life felt normal again. The Great Copenhagen region offers a lot of culture activities. There are so many museums to visit, and that was very appealing to me. Most of the time I was in Denmark I spend in the metropolitan area, which was calm and with more nature and lakes. In the begging of 2022, I moved to a place called Holte. It is a very nice town connected by train and buses. During sum...
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