My name is Amalie Byremo and I got home from my exchange at the end of December 2023. My adventure began in the middle of August, when I took the Flixbus all the way from Oslo to Amsterdam. Although this trip was 24 hours long, it was filled with a wonderful view of cities in Sweden, Denmark, and Germany. I would definitely recommend this type of travelling instead of flying. Travelling from Amsterdam to Wageningen takes around 1.5 hours, and the public transportation system was nicely structured and easy to understand. Are you satisfied with your exchange, and would you recommend others to do the same? I am absolutely satisfied with my exchange, and I explored so many beautiful cities in the Netherlands, that I would have never noticed outside my exchange. One of my favorite things in Wageningen was the Saturday and Wednesday markets, I went every week! You can buy delicious baked goods, cheese, veggies and more. Mrs. Potato was my go-to stand for fries on Saturdays, I cou...
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