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Showing posts from February, 2019

Erfaringrapport Praha,Tsjekkia Høsten 2018

Utveksling ved Czech University of Life Sciences Høsten 2018 Denne høsten har jeg vært på utveksling i Praha , Tsjekkia fra september til slutten av januar. Det har vært ett opplevelserikt semester med mange nye erfaringer og jeg har møtt folk fra hele verden. Er du fornøyd med utvekslingsoppholdet ditt, og vil du anbefale andre studenter å gjøre det samme? Ja det har vært en opplevelsesrik  opphold med mange nye erfaringer . Ja Jeg vil  absolutt  anbefale andre  studenter  å dra uansett om det er til Tsjekkia eller en annen plass. Det å dra på utveksling kan både være utfordrende  og litt skummelt , men jeg vil anbefale alle studenter  til å gjøre det. Ikke bare lærer du mer om deg selv, men du  møter folk fra hele verden og blir mer selvstendig. Praha er velkjent for sin arkitektur  og bruer. her ser du Karlsbroen "Dancing house ", en kjent bygning i Praha Var det vanskelig å få de emnene du ønsket å ta? Nei...

Exchange Report - Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands

Study Report Hi! I’m studying Feed Manufacturing Technology at NMBU and it’s my second year now. I exchanged to Wageningen University & Research for one semester from September to December in 2018. I would like to share my experience at WUR to the students who also want to go on an exchange to the university. From my experiences I can tell you that it’s an unforgettable choice. I really had a great time in the four months at WUR. I joined the first introduction week which is called AID (Annual Introduction Days ) and lasted for one week. It is not obligatory. The university arranges this for new students to know the student life, the campus and most importantly, get to know each other and have a chance to make life-long friends. As long as you sign up for AID, you will have your own family group with two or three monitors decided by the AID organization and around 10-12 members in total. There will be new students both international and Dutch. As a family, you...

Exchange Report - University of East Anglia, UK

Study Report As an international student at NMBU I am already studying abroad. However, as a person who is addicted to moving around I considered going on exchange somewhere else. In fact, I wanted to take the opportunity to go somewhere far away and experience a University which may be very different from what I know from Norway. I study the International Bachelor in Environment and Development and found some highly interesting places to go. I applied for Cornell in the US and to CDU in northern Australia (where you can study courses about Aborigines, land rights and such). Unfortunately, the application process didn't go to plan, and I had to switch courses spontaneously. I ended up going to the University of East Anglia in the UK, which turned out not to be a bad choice after all. First, it made my financing a lot easier, because I got the Erasmus+ scholarship. Second, this University offers a lot of courses in development studies, languages, political scie...

Study Report Aberystwyth University, Wales

I would absolutely recommend Aberystwyth University for exchange! I very much appreciate the opportunity given by NMBU, along with the Erasmus+ grant scheme which allowed me to explore Great Britain without worrying too much about the financial issues. Although Aberystwyth University is located on the west coast of Wales, Welsh and English are the official languages there, but no need to worry, the lively touristic spot is a student-driven town (Aberystwyth has 12000 people in total, from which 8000 of them are students) which means you don’t have to worry much about Welsh if you can’t speak it. The town has more than 52 pubs along the coast line, 53 sports clubs and 78 ongoing student societies. Apart from the hustling-and-bustling social life, introverted people can also have a peaceful time immersed in the 24/7 university Hugh Owen library, as well as the National Library of Wales where over 6 million books are collected/stored. As the saying goes, keep calm and read a lot of ...

Erfaringsrapport - Frankrike, Purpan

ERFARINGSRAPPORT - Frankrike Jeg var på utveksling i den franske byen Toulouse. La ville Rose. Jeg studerte et semester på École d'Ingenieur de Purpan, fra september til desember. Er du fornøyd med utvekslingsoppholdet ditt, og vil du anbefale andre studenter å gjøre det samme?  Je g er veldig fornøyd med utvekslingsoppholdet mitt i Frankrike. Jeg studerte husdyrvitenskap på en privat høyskole i Toulouse. Jeg valgte å følge et engelsk studieprogram som heter IBC, som var ordnet spesielt for utvekslingsstudenter. Vi var 7 stykker i klassen og vi fikk et veldig godt forhold til hverandre og ble som en liten familie. Vi reiste på mange turer sammen og hang mye sammen på fritiden. Det ble mange turer på byen og vi fikk våre faste kaféer og barer vi møttes på. Jeg anbefaler virkelig å reise på utveksling for å lære om seg selv, om andre folk, andre kulturer og det å åpne sinnet sitt. Det er også en perfekt mulighet til å lære et språk. Jeg anbefaler å dra til Toulous...

Study report Aberystwyth University

Study Report Studying at Aberystwyth University is an opportunity not to be missed. I would recommend my schoolmates at NMBU to do exchange study there. The experience can help you to be more independent, more inspired and more curious. Study: It’s easy to get the courses you wanted at Aberystwyth, but there might be slight adjustment upon arrival due to the teaching schedule of the host department. I chose three modules when I signed the learning agreement. But I made some adjustments after discussed with the teaching secretary during the registration week. If you changed your course, remember to contact your advisor at NMBU and update the learning agreement. The teaching model is different from NMBU, there is no lectures but all seminars. In each seminar, there is only 12-16 students sitting around the table to ensure everyone can be involved into the discussion. I’m an introverted person, so I felt stressful to express my opinion in such a small class. Most of my class...

Exchange at the University of Copenhagen

Are you satisfied with your exchange, and would you recommend others to do the same? I was on a one-semester exchange at the University of Copenhagen during Autumn 2018-2019. I had a very fruitful experience, both in terms of academic and social life. Not only the city is bustling with life, the university also provides a very sociable environment; therefore it is easy to engage with students that share the same interests as you. Even though living in Copenhagen sounds amazing, it is a very tricky city and not everything comes across as easy. -Housing Beware - the housing market in Copenhagen is extremely competitive. Rents are very high and many people are on the lookout for a better room! Booking a room when you are not there is quite challenging, as the host would want to meet you for an interview. Otherwise, there is a long queue of people who would go there immediately! Therefore I recommend you to take a weekend trip to visit the flats and make a personal contact...