I went abroad for a semester as an exchange in Aberystwyth in the fall of 2022, from the date 22 of September to the 26th of January. I'm doing my Masters in International Relations at NMBU and decided that a semester abroad would be exciting and relevant to my major. I had grown fond of NMBU as a small university town, but I missed the ocean. When I was looking for places to go abroad, Wales seemed like the best option because Aberystwyth is close to the ocean. This is ideal if you enjoy water sports such as surfing etc. Aberystwyth is also a great place to do a semester exchange if you prefer the outdoors or aspire to be more of a nature person, as Wales is known for its beautiful scenery. As an International Relations student at Aberystwyth University, I was able to select from a variety of relevant courses in the disciplines of International Politics and War, Military, and Strategy studies. I traveled on exchange with another student from my class, and we were the only two exc...
Les om NMBU-studenters forskjellige opplevelser på utveksling. Alle har valgt seg ut ett tema å skrive om. Trykk på menyen oppe til høyre og velg "Etiketter" for å lese om det du er mest nysgjerrig på, eller søk opp etter land, universitet, fagområde på utveksling, grad på NMBU eller gradsnivå.