I went abroad for a semester as an exchange in Aberystwyth in the fall of 2022, from the date 22 of September to the 26th of January.
I'm doing my Masters in International Relations at NMBU and decided that a semester abroad would be exciting and relevant to my major. I had grown fond of NMBU as a small university town, but I missed the ocean. When I was looking for places to go abroad, Wales seemed like the best option because Aberystwyth is close to the ocean. This is ideal if you enjoy water sports such as surfing etc. Aberystwyth is also a great place to do a semester exchange if you prefer the outdoors or aspire to be more of a nature person, as Wales is known for its beautiful scenery.
As an International Relations student at Aberystwyth University, I was able to select from a variety of relevant courses in the disciplines of International Politics and War, Military, and Strategy studies. I traveled on exchange with another student from my class, and we were the only two exchange students in many of our classes; however, I had no difficulty understanding the academic English used there in comparison to what is expected of us in Norway.
I was fortunate to obtain a studio apartment in Fferm Penglais, which is one of the most expensive options for student housing. If you decide to live alone, I recommend that you be willing to put yourself out there and meet new people. You can join a variety of social and sports clubs based on your interests and hobbies. I joined kickboxing and football because I wanted to try something new and because I wanted to try those sports outs. The clubs cater to a wide range of interests, including Harry Potter, history, cave exploration, and much more.
A more negative aspect from my personal experience is the lack of adequate public transportation. I wished to travel and explore more of Wales, and the UK in general, but this was difficult because getting around is nearly impossible without a car.
Unfortunately, I was sick two full months being there with cougching and not feeling so well, and got frustrated with how the healthcare system operated. I felt I was not taking seriously many times and just sent around in the system because I was an exchange student. NMBU and Aberystwyth University were very helpful in giving advice and checking in on me to see if everything was okay, so I was pleased with the staff and assistance I received.
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