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Showing posts from March, 2020

University of Maribor (Slovenia)

            Arriving to Maribor was the start of a semester long experience that presented new opportunities as well as challenges in my academic career. While it is a popular choice for Erasmus+ students (over 450 each semester) my faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences welcomed just 12, meaning we got a much more personal experience. As all courses are taught in Slovene language those in my faculty arranged meetings with the professor and other Erasmus+ students directly. While we had a much more personal experience due to ‘class’ sizes of 2-6, this was also far less time that local students spent with professors. This meant we had a larger workload outside the classroom – perfect for self-motivated students who want to control their schedule.             Finding courses was easy as they were elective credits for me, and a diverse course list is available. Also, we...


It has been a very nice and unique experience for me to exchange in UK. Actually I am very satisfied with the two major decisions I have made in the past two years. The first one is to pursue my master degree in Norway, which give me a precious opportunity to leave the 10-year non-change working life behind and embarking a total new life journey that enables me with new knowledge and new friends. The second decision I have made is to exchange in UK, which is totally different from what I had experienced in Norway. I would like to encourage all the students who want to acquire different living and study experience to participate in the Erasmus exchange program. I have been exchanged in University of Aberystwyth in Wales for 4 months from September 23, 2019 to January 23, 2020. University of Aberystwyth is one of the most famous university in Wales and it has the oldest international politics department. It is located in the middle of the mountain of a small and lovely tourist se...

Sciences Po Lille

  Er du fornøyd med utvekslingsoppholdet ditt, og vil du anbefale andre studenter å gjøre det samme?   Ja, jeg vil oppfordre alle studenter å dra på utveksling. Det er en lite krevende måte å teste ut om man trives med å bo utenfor Norges grenser. Man får muligheten til å møte mennesker fra stort sett hele verden, noe som for min del var svært interessant. For en som studerer internasjonale relasjoner er det også helt fundamentalt i min utdannelse at jeg møter mennesker med andre perspektiver og får muligheten til å diskutere og samarbeide med dem.   Var det vanskelig å få de emnene du ønsket å ta?   Jeg var den eneste av de jeg kjenner som fikk de fagene jeg ville ha, fordi jeg var godt forberedt. Påmelding til fag fungerer litt som salg av Karpe konsertbilletter; Første mann til mølla. Administrasjonen forteller at det er plass til alle, men det er ikke nødvendigvis tilfellet. Vær godt forberedt, så vil det ikke bli et problem! Ta gjerne ...

Erfaringsrapport Wageningen

After a year thinking critically and building a strong foundation in theories at NMBU, I headed to Wageningen to apply this knowledge to solutions-oriented studies. The pairing turns out to be a beautiful combination, especially as I am focusing on the intersection on climate change and food systems. While NMBU gives a strong academic and theoretical home base, WUR inspires innovation and imagines possible futures. At Wageningen, all my courses focused on changing the food system. They all offered collaborative group projects aimed at real-world cases and resulting in an applicable product. These products even were able to build upon each other. Starting in “Organic Agriculture and Society,” we designed a hypothetical food network that connects consumers with their producers and eliminates food waste. This rolled into an interdisciplinary collaboration “Foodscapes, Urban Lifestyles, and Transitions” which applied our concept into a real neighborhood in Wageningen. I worked with l...

Et uforglemmelig semester i Córdoba

# Erfaringsrapport Hei! Jeg studerer femte året på Naturforvaltning på NMBU. Høsten 2019 reiste jeg på utveksling til Córdoba i Spania.  Istedenfor å skrive 60 poengs master valgte jeg å ta 30 poengs master og å dra på utveksling høstsemesteret.    Hvis dere vurderer å dra på utveksling til Córdoba og har spørsmål som dere ikke får svar på i teksten under kan dere kontakte meg på mail. Er du fornøyd med utvekslingsoppholdet ditt, og vil du anbefale andre studenter å gjøre det samme? Jeg er storfornøyd med utvekslingsoppholdet mitt og vil absolutt anbefale andre å gjøre det samme! Utveksling er en kjempemulighet til å bli kjent et nytt sted i verden og oppleve et helt annerledes semester.   # Personlig utvikling   Det er også en gylden mulighet for å bli bedre i språk. Engelsk, eventuelt annet språk i vertslandet og språkene til de andre utvekslingsstudentene. Jeg ble tilbudt gratis 3 ukers språkkurs før studiestart i regi ...

Study Report, University Sciences Po Lille, France - Fall 2019

Are you satisfied with your exchange, and would you recommend others to do the sam e? #Erfaringsrapport, #University Sciences Po Lille My exchange semester at the University Sciences Po Lille in Northern France was a great experience, especially with regards to practicing French language skills but also in terms of cultural as well as academic life. After a rough start – I arrived after two months of field research in India – I quickly found my place in a shared house outside of the city centre of Lille.  I couldn’t have wished for more as I ended up living with three young, outgoing and very charismatic French people who organised countless “aperos” in our little house. Aperos are informal get-togethers where friends have a glass of good wine or beer accompanied with snacks such as saucisson or cheese. At these events the conversation is at the centre and can sometimes last until midnight before someone realises that the planned dinner is waiting on the stove. Those get-toge...