Are you satisfied with your exchange, and would you recommend others to do the same? - I was very satisfied with my exchange at ITU. And would highly recommend future students to apply for an exchange at the university. - Was it difficult to get the courses you wanted at the host university? - Yes and no. The university has an add and drop period at the beginning of the term. However, the only way one could get a hold of the module outline was by attending the first lecture. This works for some, but I personally would have enjoyed a less frantic add and drop week so I could manage my add and drops accordingly based on the outlines. Some courses would also only run depending if the number of signup students was high enough and every class was in English although assigned as. Overall it was more of a learning experience on how to be proactive in choosing with limited time and information. In the end I was pleased with my selections. Are you satisfied with the academic quality ...
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